
Sunday School
Beginning at 9:30am
There are classes for all ages.
Beginning at 11:00am
Our worship style is best characterized as traditional, though we make use of both liturgical and contemporary elements. We align our worship with the seasons of the Christian year, marking the seasons of Advent, the season after Epiphany, Lent, Eastertide, and Pentecost. We observe communion on the first Sunday of the month and encourage all who seek God in the person of Jesus Christ to participate.

When you arrive, park in the rear of the church off of Crestmere. There you will find specially marked parking places for you, our guest. We encourage you to enter through the Welcome Center doors underneath the larger porte cache. Inside you will find our Welcome Center where greeters will be happy to assist you.
Worship Live
Our worship services are available to watch live or at your convenience on our Our YouTube Channel.

Provided for children 2 and under
The presence of children is a gift to the Church. They are valuable members of our faith family and we welcome them into this house of worship. We have age appropriate care and activities for every child during Sunday School (9:30-10:45). Our nursery is open during the 11:00 worship service for infants and toddlers.
The nursery is located out the doors to the left of the pulpit and down the hall. Our nursery workers will be happy to assist you. Extended Care is provided for children ages 3-4 and for 5-year-olds who have not entered kindergarten. These children will sit as a group with our Extended Care leaders on the first pew in the right section. All children through 5th grade are invited to the front of the Sanctuary to participate in our Children’s Sermon. Our preschoolers will leave for Extended Care after this.