
Children’s Ministry

We are a church that values children for who they are and what they teach us about the kingdom of God.

We seek to nurture children’s growth as followers of Christ through education and spiritual formation in our regular weekly programs and special events.

16 and said to him, “Do you hear what these are saying?” Jesus said to them, “Yes; have you never read,
‘Out of the mouths of infants and nursing babies you have prepared praise for yourself’?”

Matthew 21:16 NRSV

Sunday Mornings

Sunday School opportunities and Extended Care information

Baby & Toddler
Sunday School
Sunday School
Sunday School
Extended Care
during Worship

Baby & Toddler

Sunday School

9:30-10:45 a.m.

Children are never too young to begin learning about God’s love. Bed babies – 2 year olds are welcomed into age-appropriate classrooms to hear Bible stories, sing songs, and play.


Sunday School

9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.

Children ages 2-5 begin to learn and engage biblical stories and themes through story time, music, art and play. Our preschool teachers use Dwell Play curriculum. “Based on 36 stories from Genesis through Acts, Play leads [preschoolers] on a joyful discovery of God’s love.”


Sunday School

9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.

Children in K-5 explore the mystery of God’s presence in their lives through wonder and play using the Montessori-based Godly Play curricula.

Extended Care

11:00 a.m-12:00 p.m.

Nursery care for bed babies – 2 year olds is available during Morning Worship. Children will hear Bible stories and play.
Preschoolers (3-4 year olds) join the larger congregation at the beginning of Morning Worship. After the children’s sermon preschoolers are escorted to their extended care classrooms for Bible lessons and play. Parents pick-up children from Extended Care at the end of Morning Worship.