Who We Are

A Different Way to be Baptist

We are a part of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. We encourage you to check out their website.

We are proud to be Baptist. It is a designation with a rich heritage of religious freedom.

Our Church

First Baptist Memphis is a Midtown congregation that seeks to follow Christ by practicing hospitality, community, dialogue, and service.

First Baptist Memphis is a Midtown congregation that seeks to follow Christ by practicing hospitality, community, dialogue, and service.

Four Baptist Freedoms

Soul Freedom

We support the priesthood of all believers. We affirm the freedom and responsibility of every person to relate directly to God without the imposition of creed or the control of clergy or government.

Bible Freedom

The Bible is central to the life of the individual and the church. We affirm the freedom and right of every Christian to interpret and apply scripture under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

Church Freedom

Every local church is autonomous. Baptist churches are free to determine their membership and leadership, to order their worship and work, to ordain whomever they see as gifted for ministry, and to participate as they deem appropriate in the larger Body of Christ.

Religious Freedom

We affirm freedom of religion for all. We support the separation of church and state.

Resolution passed Jan. 10, 2016

As Christ’s church, First Baptist Memphis is called to minister equally to all persons, extending to them the privileges afforded to any follower of Christ, including, but not limited to, baptism, membership, leadership, ordination, and marriage and will not discriminate based on race, gender, age, marital status, or sexual orientation.



All are welcome, no exceptions.

Because God does not turn any away, we welcome one and all. We value diversity in our membership and believe it enriches our journey and ministry.



We not only welcome, we embrace.

We strive to be a family of faith where all can belong. We live our lives in community. We care for one another. We laugh together, cry together, pray together, serve together.



We value the voice of every child of God and strive to hear the voice of God in one another.

We talk to each other. We listen to each other. We dare to disagree. We learn from one another. We value conversation with other Christians and people of different faith traditions.



What we do inside our walls prepares us to share God’s love across the street and around the world.

We partner with local and international groups to meet human needs and bring about God’s will on earth as it is in heaven.