World Orphans Day Emphasis in worship

Millions of children around the world have become orphaned for a variety of reasons. This year as part of our Missions Week, we will honor World Orphans Day by considering the call issued over and over again in scripture to care for the orphan. All three of our ministry partners in South Africa work to care for orphans and to care for families so that children are not left abandoned and orphaned. We will explore the work that is being done there and consider what that means for us here in Memphis as we look to turn our attention “Across the Street” for the later part of Missions Week.

ONE Letter Writing Campaign, 12:15 pm

Across the world, more than 13 million children today are living without one or both parents due to AIDS, and 80 percent of those orphans live in sub-Saharan Africa. Through First Baptist’s work with our ministry partners in South Africa, we have seen some of the effects of this crisis first-hand, and we understand how important it is to alleviate the suffering of these children.

In recognition of World Orphans Day on November 12, and in preparation for World AIDS Day on December 1, First Baptist is holding a letter writing campaign in the Fellowship Hall to contact Senator Alexander and/or our newly elected senator.  We will be respectfully asking the senators to maintain support for PEPFAR, the President’s Emergency Program for AIDS Relief, founded by President George W. Bush in 2004. The work of PEPFAR and the Global Fund has led to a drop in AIDS-related deaths of 47%, and in 2016 alone, PEPFAR helped to provide care and support for more than 6.2 million orphans and vulnerable children.

Materials, as well as a letter template, will be provided, and we only ask for a few minutes of your time. All ages are welcome! If you cannot attend, we ask that you offer your prayers for those doing the work of serving our neighbors who are impacted by HIV/AIDS.

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