
As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 
                                                                                     –1 Peter 4:10

2019 Stewardship Campaign

Our 2019 Stewardship Campaign will be held in March and culminate with Stewardship Sunday on March 31. A congregational lunch will be held in Fellowship Hall following worship.

A letter about Stewardship from the Finance Committee along with pledge cards for the 2019 Stewardship Campaign will be mailed March 18. You can also pick up a card in the Welcome Center prior to Stewardship Sunday.

Please prayerfully consider your financial support for this year. A Stewardship update will be given in morning worship on March 24 highlighting the impact your stewardship has on the life of the church.

You can bring your pledge card forward in worship March 31. Also, the model church will be in the Welcome Center on March 24 if you wish to bring your card on that date. You are welcome to mail your card to the church at any time.

Pledge Form

Online Giving

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