Sunday was an eventful day, beginning with an 8:30 am Deacons meeting, followed by worship, and then later in the day with our final congregational conversation. Allow me to share some thoughts with you that have come from our discussions, especially in regard to the upcoming selection of a Pastor Search Committee.
Soon, you will be hearing from Tom Marchand, Deacon Chair, about the formation of a search committee, the process of which is outlined in the church’s by-laws. I would like to make some observations about it.
First of all, if you are not aware of it already, Laura Stephens-Reed, who has served so competently as our Transition Facilitator, will also be responsible for training the pastor search committee once this group has been determined. I knew Laura before I came to First Baptist, and believed then that she was the best authority I knew on the process of calling a pastor. My opinion has not changed on that. We are fortunate to have her on board, providing this level of guidance.
The conversation was devoted to the selection of committee members in both the called Deacons meeting and the congregational conversation that took place later that afternoon. A couple of considerations were discussed. One is that family members of church staff would not be considered for selection on the committee, to avoid any semblance of a conflict of interest. I agree with that, and I’m sure you do as well.
Another consideration has to do with the Transition Team. This requires an explanation.
In the June 2019 Together newsletter it was stated that no one on the Transition Team would be allowed to serve on the search committee. In reviewing this procedure, it was determined that perhaps this rose from a misunderstanding, namely that the Transition Team itself, and in its entirety, would not form the search committee. Somehow, that prohibition included everyone on the transition group. However, it has now been determined that the Transition Team can possibly be represented on the search committee if the congregation so chooses. In other words, if a person from the transition group is selected by the church, that person, or persons, can serve.
If this seems a bit unclear to you, I am confident that once you hear from Tom you will understand. Through a nomination process, you the congregation will be choosing the Pastor Search Committee. In the meantime, I know you will be in prayer for this important undertaking. The future of our church depends on it.