Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing highlights from the transition facilitation congregational conversations. This is in preparation for our final congregational conversation that will take place by Zoom on Sunday, November 8, from 5:00-6:30 pm. You will be able to join this call by internet (click this link on your smartphone, tablet, or computer: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89752299789?pwd=UnNBZUN2cmdwL3JneGc5bGgrQ0w1UT09) or phone (dial 312-626-6799 on your phone and enter meeting ID 897 5229 9789 and passcode 936503 when prompted).
The November 17, 2019, congregational conversation addressed FBC’s mission, using the gathering to collect diapers for Hospitality Hub, feature tables set up by mission partners, and map FBC’s many assets (including financial, physical plant, individual talents and relationships, relationships between FBC and the community, location, radio access, reputation, and ministries offered). We talked about:
- how FBC is already making a big impact by providing space, funding, and person power to community organizations through individuals and the congregation as a whole
- how FBC can expand its impact by both considering additional mission partners and narrowing its mission focus, leveraging spiritual gifts more intentionally, working on the culture of the church to encourage more full participation, using the facility more effectively, improving communication, and getting more people involved in hands-on work
In December 2019 we took a break from the transition facilitation process, and the transition team hosted a Christmas party instead with cookie decorating, music, Christmas photos, and other merriment!
Thank you for your participation in this process! Your involvement and insights have paved the way for FBC to move into the next chapter of its ministry. If you have any questions about the transition facilitation process, please contact a member of the transition team made up of Shawn Hawkins (chair), Mike Ward, Sally Smith, Gloria Hodges, David Weatherspoon, Robin Miller, Cherish Mathis, and April Blankenship.