Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing the collated responses from the February 23 congregational conversation in advance of our final gathering on March 29. Below you will find your thoughts around the question, “What do we need in order to listen more fully to each other on an ongoing basis?”
More intentional time together
- Cross-generational
- With a substantive focus (worship, Bible study, topical study, mission project, etc.)
- With an overt invitation to all
- With attention to availability of the various segments of the congregation
Development of a culture of listening well
- Structure/ground rules/covenanting that are reiterated often
- Listen with intent to understand, not just respond
- Embrace the opportunity to learn from others and develop relationships with them
- Assume positive intent in others
- Avoid interrupting
- Separate ideas/viewpoints from people
- Acknowledge there may be more than one right idea/way
- Ask rather than assume
- Run all statements through the two greatest commandments (love God with whole self, love neighbors as we love ourselves)
Expanded means of communication
- More frequent church conferences
- More reporting out from committees/groups
As part of the March 29 congregational conversation, the transition team will be reflecting back some of the ideas from all of the gatherings as points for consideration for different groups and people within the church. That day will also be one of celebration and looking ahead, so please mark your calendars.