For those who have computer access, we have begun live streaming our services. If you are not familiar with the concept, allow me to explain…

We have purchased a new three-camera system by which our worship services can be shown live on Facebook. There may be other sources for showing these live, but right now Facebook is our only option. You may watch the service live Sundays at 11 am on our Facebook page using this link. After worship is completed, and the service is recorded, we can then show it not only on Facebook but also on YouTube and our church’s website at So far, we have live-streamed two Sunday morning services and Brian Kellett’s funeral. Those of you who have viewed any or all of these know there were some technical issues along the way.

We have asked for patience as we work out the bugs. Perhaps to assist you in your patience, a bit of explanation is called for.

First of all, we have been working with less than the optimal amount of equipment ordered. It was back-ordered and has come to us in a piecemeal fashion. But rather than wait until all of it was sent to us, we decided to go ahead and do what we could with what we have had. As I write this, all of the equipment we have ordered has come in, and this Sunday we should be operating with a completed system. That does not guarantee that all future productions will be flawless. Any time a new technology is utilized, issues have to be dealt with. But, the more we do this, the better we will be at doing it.

Because of our investment in this system, we will continue to live stream worship services even after our in-person worship resumes. We have found that a number of people, who are not members of our church or are former members, have responded to our services. So we see this as an effective form of outreach. One young couple, having recently moved to Memphis from North Carolina, found us through our website and have viewed our worship. They contacted us and let us know that when our worship is opened, they will attend.

Our radio broadcasts will continue as well, as we recognize this reaches a segment that largely does not have computer access. These broadcasts, of course, are limited to the Mid-South region. Livestreaming is available anywhere, which is just one of its most positive assets.

I am convinced this is a ministry – yes, a ministry – that will grow and grow. I want to express my gratitude to Scott Malone for his hard work in getting this system going. He is putting together a team of those who will be available each time we have need of telecasting and recording our worship, as well as possibly other events that will take place in the sanctuary.

Please pray for us as we continue to find ways of being the presence of Christ in the Memphis community, for in truth we now have the capability of advancing beyond just our city and reaching those around the world. May it be so!


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