Gayla Foscue and I love teaching the Kindergartners through 2nd Grade Sunday School class! We often joke that we believe we have the best job in the church! The children’s questions are honest and sincere and we do our best to answer those questions by conveying the love of Jesus in their lives.
We were just like everyone else when we heard the news that we would have to cancel all church services due to COVID-19. We were disappointed. And for me and Gayla, we wouldn’t be able to see our wonderful children for weeks.
Thankfully, I have had some experience with creating a Zoom room video conference and the parents agreed to have a brief Sunday school lesson this past Sunday morning. I felt it was primarily important for the children to see each other’s faces during this time. To me, feeling that sense of community is even more important than the lesson itself.
So we gathered at 10:30 am on Sunday, not in person, but by a Zoom video conference. I anticipated a bit of chaos since the children are so young but they took turns sharing about what was going on in their lives and all of them showed their completed coloring pages that I had assigned to them earlier in the week.
And what an appropriate Scripture lesson! Jesus calming the sea! By the end, we all learned that Jesus is strong enough to help us in our biggest time of need!
Thank you to all the parents for allowing us to be a part of their children’s lives, even in different locations watching on a computer screen.
–submitted by Richard Wright, Children’s SS department teacher