Joy of Serving

FBC Committee Interest Form

Are you interested in using your gifts on one of the following committees or task forces? A description of each committee is listed below. If you are interested in serving on a committee please prayerfully consider in what way you can serve. Below the descriptions is a form where you can check on any committee you are interested in serving on and your your name and contact information. Once the form is complete, click the submit button.

Contact Bridget Ellis with any questions.

FBC Committees

  • Committee on Committees: Enlist and coordinate volunteers for church committees.
  • Day School: Responsible for setting policy and offering support for the FBDS program.
  • Finance: Responsible for the church’s fiscal operations.
  • Missions: Plan and coordinate the annual Missions Week, allocate Mission Funds and keep local and global mission opportunities before the church.
  • Personnel: Responsible for dealing with issues affecting church staff including annual reviews, development and revision of job descriptions, and other policy matters.
  • Preschool/Children: Responsible for visioning, advising, and supporting the children’s program.
  • Property: Maintains care of the property/grounds of the church.
  • Public Relations: for publicity of the church and church events.
  • Senior Adult: Coordinate activities/events/trips for Senior Adults.
  • Youth: Responsible for visioning, advising, and supporting the youth program.


FBC Tasks Forces

  • Baptism & Lord’s Supper: Help prepare and coordinate communion and Baptisms in worship.
  • Broadcast Media & Technology: Operate and maintain the church’s sound equipment, radio broadcast, and other technology.
  • Care & Share: Prepare and coordinate meals/refreshments for funerals/memorial services for families of church members.
  • Church-wide Fellowships: Responsible for planning and executing intergenerational church events.
  • Church Archives: Help coordinate and catalog pictures and programs.
  • Flowers: Responsible for flowers in Sanctuary and other spaces.
  • Greeting & Security: Responsible for welcoming visitors and members and for monitoring the premises during church events.
  • Memorial Prayer Garden: Maintains care of the prayer garden/columbarium on the church campus.
  • Weddings: Responsible for scheduling and setting policy for the use of the church and facilities for weddings and receptions.

Committee Interest Form

Please click the box next to any committees you are interested in serving on.

Please click the box next to any task forces you are interested in serving on.

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