There were approximately 70 people in attendance for our first in-person worship experience since the middle of March. It was obvious that everyone was glad to see their church friends. The joy of being together may have been tempered somewhat, not only by the masks but by the strangeness of some of the worship elements, such as the recorded music. As we go on, we will do our best to improve the quality of it, with the hope that it might not be that long before we will be able to sing the hymns again. But I think you understand that we are doing all we can to keep the protocols suggested by the CDC.
Our staff evaluated the worship, and considered some of the responses we received, with the purpose of improving our worship experience as much as possible. Again, as I did Sunday, we ask for your patience and understanding during this admittedly difficult and strange time in which we live. For that reason, we covet your prayers. And, we will indeed listen to your concerns and suggestions, if you want to share them with us.
Next week is Fall break in the Shelby County schools, so there will be no issue of Table Talk. The following Sunday, October 18, is Children’s Sabbath. It also just happens that Janet and I will not be with you that day. Holly Hatton will be leading worship, and I ask that you support her with your presence, if you are in town, and with your prayers wherever you may be. I continue to be amazed and delighted at her giftedness in ministry. Thank you, Holly, for all you do.