The Common Church, under the pastoral leadership of Broderick and Dione Connerero, has begun meeting in our chapel. Sunday morning, prior to our worship, Tom Marchand and I greeted them and welcomed them to First Baptist. Essentially, what I said to them was that we consider their presence not merely a sharing of our space, but that our congregation, along with theirs and the others that meet in our facilities, are one church. And, I promised them, we look forward to sharing ministry with them, not just space.
In a fractured world such as ours, it is important that we not only proclaim unity with our words but that we model it by our actions. The presence of the Common Church gives us a wonderful opportunity to say to midtown Memphis that we care for one another regardless of the color of skin or style of worship, and together we can be the presence of Christ to those who so desperately need such a witness.
Please pray for our sister congregation, and when given the opportunity, we will share with you ways we can minister together in the name of Jesus.
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If you listened to last Sunday’s radio broadcast, you probably noticed it was a previously recorded service. We’ve been having internet issues in our facilities, and in the process of remedying those, the connection between our system and the radio station was somehow lost. I am happy to report that this problem is now fixed, and if you are in the practice of listening to our services by means of radio station ESPN 680 AM or 92.9 FM, you may do so this Sunday confident you will be hearing a live broadcast.
And while our live streaming telecast is not yet of the technical quality we had hoped (some of our equipment is still on backorder), each week will find our effort improving. If you have Internet access and a Facebook account, you can find our service on our church’s Facebook page. In addition, it will be available after the premiere on our Facebook page as well as on YouTube and our church website,