Waiting and Gratitiude

We find ourselves, this week we celebrate Thanksgiving and anticipate Advent, waiting. It is indeed the waiting season. Waiting for what? Well, that depends on who we are. Some wait for healing. Others for loved ones to come from distant places. For a war to end, a...

An Explanation and a Challenge

First, the explanation… Saturday afternoon, as Janet and I were traveling the now very familiar I-40 between Little Rock and Memphis, we received word that one of our church members had contracted coronavirus. Let me ask, what would you do in that circumstance?...

Pastor Search Committee

Sunday was an eventful day, beginning with an 8:30 am Deacons meeting, followed by worship, and then later in the day with our final congregational conversation. Allow me to share some thoughts with you that have come from our discussions, especially in regard to the...

Congregational Conversation

I write this, not knowing the subject of Laura Stephens-Reed’s contribution to this issue of Table Talk. It’s quite possible I am stealing some of her thunder. But I will say this: I am impressed with the way Laura has hung in with us during a trying, not to mention...

All Saints

As you probably know, Halloween is an abbreviation of All Hallow’s Eve or Saints Evening. Begun centuries ago as a Christian tradition, it became a festival on the evening before All Saints Day when evil and ghosts were warded off by means of costumes and bonfires. I...

Perspective of Change

A few years ago, a column I wrote for my church in Little Rock was picked up by ethicsdaily.com, the e-newsletter of the Baptist Center for Ethics. In that piece, I admitted to my reluctance to upgrade my computer operating system from Windows 7 to the newer version...

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