Being Church

Changes to Worship and FBC’s Mask Policy

  • Masks are required for everyone, ages two and older (including those fully vaccinated) while in the building. This includes moving throughout the building, in the Sanctuary, and in Sunday School classes.
  • Until further notice, we will not have congregational singing in worship.
  • Ministers and lay worship leaders may remove their masks while speaking from the pulpit and put their masks back on before being seated.
  • Children will remain with their families for the Children’s Sermon in worship.
  • Sunday School classes can continue to meet as they feel appropriate, but if in person, masks will be required.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please keep your church, its leaders, our city, and our nation in your prayers.

We will also have the service live-streamed at 11 am Sundays on the church’s Facebook page. You may view it at a later time on the church’s YouTube channel. You can also listen to the service live on the radio Sundays at 11 am on ESPN 92.9 FM or ESPN 680 AM.

Thank you for your continued faithfulness.

Please click the link to review the Reopening policies.

Being Church

As we all adapt to the many changes we are experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic, our objective remains clear: FBC Memphis is looking for creative ways to still be church and minister to our church family.  We will highlight the ways we are doing this weekly via this blog.

Member Spotlight

Please help us congratulate two church members for their recent achievements. Paul Martin Congratulations to Paul Martin, Executive Director of the Allen Morgan assisted living facility, for being named as the Tennessee Health Care Association's 2020 Professional...

Faithful Radio Listener

I am a Presbyterian, but you can never know how much your services mean to me and so many others like me that are unable to attend church as we are shut-ins. I do not know of any other broadcast that blesses our life. It is the complete: music, children's and adult...

Easter Family Worship

Y’all, I cannot tell you how distressed I was at having to cancel our Easter Egg Hunt this year. I just kept thinking, “It won’t feel like Easter without it!” Next came the pressure of feeling like I had to make that up to our families in some way, and I wrestled with...

Flower Cross

“Hope is in bloom in Memphis” reads the sign that we had printed to place alongside the Flower Cross this year. We know that this year, more than ever, our cross will be a symbol of hope for our community. In keeping with social distancing, we decided to keep the...

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