My favorite scripture in all the Bible was the gospel lectionary text this past Sunday: Jesus appearing to the disciples in the upper room after his resurrection. I can relate to the disciples’ anxiety. I am there for Thomas’ questions when he’s out of the room for Jesus’ first visit.
I love that it’s no matter to Jesus that the doors are locked. There’s nowhere Jesus can’t be. I love that he invites Thomas to take a long, hard look at his wounds. Jesus can withstand our wondering. I love that Jesus breathes peace on his friends and co-laborers, empowering them to do his work. He trusts us with his church, even when we are less than stalwart.
It’s hard for me to imagine a more applicable scripture for our collective situation. We feel how we feel, and even so, Jesus is with us – sitting among us in our hard, even angry, questions – offering his peace and inviting us to show his love in creative ways.
May you feel – may you be – the presence of Christ in these days. Be well.